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Home >  Regional Contribution >  Center for Social Innovation Initiatives (CSI) >  What is the Center for Social Innovation Initiatives (CSI)?

What is the Center for Social Innovation Initiatives (CSI)?


Our society is faced with many problems today, including a declining birth rate and aging population, food and health issues, child poverty, and environmental problems. To deal with these problems will require effective, sustainable, innovative mechanisms (social innovation) that work not only through public institutions but also through corporate activities, etc.

Since the basic planning stage, the University of Nagano has been focused on solving social problems through such means as cultivation of an entrepreneurial mindset to tackle new problems and academic activities.

We bring together diverse individuals and intellectual resources from within and without the university to develop and support human resources that will pursue social innovation. Through those activities, we are creating an ecosystem in which ambitious individuals can take up the challenge of solving social problems, increasing the number of companies and jobs that are appealing to young people one at a time and contributing to the development of a sustainable world.

Key personnel


Yoshie Akiba
Professor of Social Innovation Course at Graduate School.
Professor of Entrepreneurship Course, Department of Global Management Studies, Faculty of Global Management Studies.

Chief Curator

Chief Curator, Yutaka Tanabe

Yutaka Tanabe
Full-time Chief Curator of CSI

Community Coordinators (2021 academic year)

Community coordinators are tasked with looking after business operators and founders, living in communities throughout the prefecture to connect them to CSI.

Masataka Fujiwara

He is in charge of
the northern area of Nagano Pref.

Kitano Kota

He is in charge of
the central and southern areas of Nagano Pref.

Fujioka Satoko

She is in charge of
the eastern areas of Nagano Pref.

Arai Naofumi

He is in charge of
the southern areas of Nagano Pref.