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Home >  News & Events >  Fieldtrip in Karuizawa area, Nagano with Incoming Exchange Students

Fieldtrip in Karuizawa area, Nagano with Incoming Exchange Students

On Monday, November 20th, the incoming exchange
students and their buddy students went for a fieldtrip in
Karuizawa, Nagano Prefecture.
In addition to a visit to the representative commercial
facilities in the area, they also visited Shiraito Falls,
a beautiful natural tourist spot that keeps attracting
foreign visitors to come. They also experienced
harvesting apples that is one of the well-known
specialties of Nagano.
The fieldwork allowed them to enjoy Nagano in late
autumn showing the seasonal colors of the city and the
natural beauty as well as to deepen the friendships
between the incoming exchange students and their
buddy students.

Started in September 2023, The University of Nagano has been accepting exchange students from overseas partner
universities. A total of three students, one student from Myongji University in Korea and two students from Fu Jen
Catholic University in Taiwan, are now studying at Department of Global Management. Their areas of study vary widely
including Japanese language studies and their specialized subjects.

For each incoming exchange student, one student from our university becomes a buddy, and they meet regularly every week to support their daily life and academic matters. All incoming exchange students can stay in our Zozan dormitory where they can interact with our domestic freshman students that also helps them improve their Japanese language
skills in an enjoyable atmosphere.

For more information, please visit: https://www.u-nagano.ac.jp/en/international/exchange-student/
If you have any inquiries regarding our university's student exchange program, please feel free to email Global Center (global@u-nagano.ac.jp ).