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Home >  Faculties and Departments >  Faculty of Health and Human Development

Faculty of Health and Human Development

About the two departments

Developing professionals who are experts in healthy diets
Students acquire specialized knowledge and skills related to food and the human body, centered on nutritional science, and develop the practical capabilities to engage in evidence-based human nutritional management.
<Main career paths after graduation>
Public/educational institutions, medical/welfare-related, research/food-related, etc.

Developing human resources who will be future leaders in childcare and early childhood education
Experiencing advanced childcare in Finland on the Overseas Program, students will deepen their knowledge of childcare from a global perspective and develop the expertise and practical capabilities to create new childcare and solve childcare and child rearing challenges.
<Main career paths after graduation>
Nursery schools, kindergartens, certified centers for early childhood education and care, welfare facilities, education-related organizations, administrative organizations, non-profit organizations, etc.